学年 修士(工学)2022年3月25日
所属学会 日本化学会
石原研 石原G(元波多野G)
研究課題 Development of reusable silica-supported BINSA salt catalyst for enantioselective aza-Friedel-Crafts reaction
主担当 廃液管理係(2021年度)、CT, Abstract file係(2020年度)
副担当 BWR/CT係(2021年度), Abstract file係(2021年度)
資格 運転免許、JLPT日本語能力試験N2合格
Motto A rainbow always comes after a storm.
July, 2017: Graduated from Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering (China)
April, 2019: Research student of Nagoya University, School of Engineering, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology (Professor Kazuaki Ishihara, Associate Professor Manabu Hatano)
April, 2020: Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Molecular and Macromolecular Chemistry (Professor Kazuaki Ishihara)
1. 日本学生支援機構(JASSO)学習奨励費 (2021年4月〜2022年3月)
1. "Reusable Silica-Supported Ammonium BINSate Catalysts for Enantio- and Diastereoselective
Friedel–Crafts-Type Double Aminoalkylation of N-Alkylpyrroles with Aldimines"
1. Reusable Silica-Supported Ammonium BINSate Catalysts for Enantio- and Diastereoselective Friedel–
Crafts-type Double Aminoalkylation of N-Benzylpyrrole with Aldimines
○Xue Zhao, Takuya Mochizuki, Kyogo Maeda, Ken Motokura, Manabu Hatano, Kazuaki Ishihara
2. Bulky magnesium(II) and sodium(I) bisphenoxide catalysts for chemoselective transesterification of methyl
○Xue Zhao、Kazuaki Ishihara
1. P1-045 Development of reusable silica-supported ammonium BINSate catalysts for
enantioselective aza-Friedel–Crafts reaction
○Xue Zhao,1 Kyoto Maeda,2 Manabu Hatano,3 Ken Motokura,2 Kazuaki Ishihara1
(1. Nagoya Univ.; 2. Tokyo Inst. Tech.l 3. Kobe Pharmaceutical Univ.)
第10回CSJ化学フェスタ(2020)、2020年10月20日–10月22日(10月20日10:00–11:00), online