Global 30 Internantional Program: Chemistry Graduate Program (Graduate School of Engineering)

The programs offered in English at the graduate level. Only the October intake is available every year, and the application can be done via the online admissions system, which you can access through our website.







Ishihara World: Rational Design of High-Performance Catalysts

Based on Acid–Base Combination Chemistry

Top News

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▼2024年9月MVR (Monthyl MVR (Most Valuable Researcher))



▼GTR Organic Seminar of Professor Lei Gong (Xiamen University, China)(Fri. 4th Oct., 2024)

▼第8回有機化学学生ウェビナー 大村修平先生(名大) 2024年9月29日(日)

[福井先生・忍久保先生らの論文] "Inner-Bond-Cleavage Approach to Figure-Eight Macrocycles from Planar Aromatic Hydrocarbons"

R. Yoshina, J. Hirano, E. Nishimoto, Y. Sakamoto, K. Tajima, S. Minabe, M. Uyanik, K. Ishihara, T. Ikai, E. Yashima, T. Omine, F. Ishiwari, A. Saeki, J. Kim, J. Oh, D. Kim, G. Liu, T. Yasuda, H. Shinokubo, and N. Fukui* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, ASAP (Open Access).

Our chiral I(III) catalyst was effective for the enantioselective oxidative cleavage of the internal double bond of a commercially available polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon to afford a figure-eight electron-accepting macrocycle with high scalability (up to 3.3 g) and excellent enantioselectivity (94% ee).

Prof. K. Ishihara attended C2HIC (The 2nd Chinese Conference on Hypervalent Iodine Chemistry) as one of the keynote lecturers, which was held in Wuhu from September 20th to 22nd, 2024.


▼GTR Organic Seminar of Professor Chi Zhang (Nanaki University, China)(Thu. 12th Sep., 2024)



化学と工業 2024, 77(9), 648.


化学と工業 2024, 77(9), 634–635.





"Oxidative Dearomative Coupling of Electron-Deficient Arenols Using Hypohalite Catalysis"

Takehiro Kato, Naoto Sahara, Sho Akagawa, Muhammet Uyanik,* Kazuaki Ishihara*
Org. Lett. 2024, 26(34), 7255–7260.
Publication Date (Web): August 19, 2024

▼2024年化学生命工学科オープンキャンパス 石原研見学の様子 (2024年8月8日)


▼2024年7月MVR (Monthyl MVR (Most Valuable Researcher))



D. F. Taber, Org. Chem. Highlights 2024, August 12.

”Kazuaki Ishihara of Nagoya University used an iron catalyst to promote the photochemical coupling of the cinnamaldehyde 4 with the styrene 5 to give the cyclobutane 6 (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 15054. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c04010).”

2024年度 学びの杜・学術コース

「大学の化学は楽しい! 分子の世界:知る、見る、触る、作る」



主催:名古屋大学 大学院教育発達科学研究科附属 高大接続研究センター



滝中学校1年生対象 キャリア教育講義(2024年7月23日)「大学教員の道」

60分授業(生徒42人)x 3回

▼GTR Organic Seminar of Professor Xin-Yuan Liu (SUSTech, China)(Wed. 17th July, 2024)


▼第57回天然物談話会 (名古屋大学、2024年7月4-5日)

参加者:HUANG Qianchun(D1(G30))、三鍋駿介(D1)、LIANG Yaohan(D1)

▼GTR Organic Seminar of Professor Marcos García Suero, ICIQ, Spain (4th July, 2024)


第56回有機金属若手の会 夏の学校に参加してきました(2024年7月1–3日)


▼KD会ソフトボール大会第二回戦 対忍久保研 4対4、その後、じゃん拳で惜敗!(2024年7月2日(火))

Kai Matsui (D3) with Professor Thomas Wirth at Cardiff University, UK. He is joining Professor T. Worth's group as a visiting researcher for three months since June, 2024.

▼Thank you for ACS!

第58回有機反応若手の会(滋賀県大津市 琵琶湖畔アヤハレークサイドホテル、2024年6月19~21日)


▼Prof. Kazuaki Ishihara received the Best Researcher Award in 2nd Edition of International Chemistry Scientist Awards on 19th June, 2024

▼KD会ソフトボール大会第一回戦 対大井研 14対3で大勝!(2024年6月17日)



▼June 13, 2024: Invited lecture: Rational Design of High-Performance Catalysts Based on Acid–Base Combination Chemistry

Kazuaki Ishihara

Chiral π–Cu(II)-catalyzed site-, exo/endo-, and enantioselective dearomative (3+2) cycloadditions of isoquinolinium ylides with enamides, dienamides, and a trienamide

Weiwei Guo, Jianhao Huang, Kazuaki Ishihara*

Chem. Sci. 2024, 16(28), 10926–10934.

DOI: 10.1039/D4SC02946A (Published: 11th June, 2024)

名古屋大学石原一彰团队: 缺电子共轭双烯体系远程不对称(3+2)环加成 (WeChat, 8th July, 2024)

Oxidation: Asymmetric Oxidative Dearomatization

Muhammet Uyanik, Kazuaki Ishihara

In Comprehensive Chirality, 2nd edtion, Volume 7; Cossy, J., Ed., Elsevier: Academic Press, 2024; pp 243–265.

DOI: (Published: May 2024)

Organic Seminars of Assist. Prof. Ye Zhu (National University of Singapore) and Assoc. Prof. Gavin Chit Tsui (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) on 4th June, 2024

Organic Seminars of Assoc. Prof. Christina W. Li and Prof. Chritopher Uyeda (Purdue University) on 20th May, 2024

Science of Synthesis Workshop on 16th May, 2024 (Free trial by 15th July, 2024)

Prof. Kazuaki Ishihara has been raked #88 in Japan and #1554 in the world.

Prof. Kazuaki Ishihara has also been recognized with the Chemistry Leader Award for 2024. Congratulations!

The ranking is based on D-index (Discipline H-index) metric, which only includes papers and citation values for an examined discipline. The ranking includes only leading scientists with D-index of at least 40 for academic publications made in the area of Chemistry.

Ranked #88 in Japan and #1564 in the world (May 2, 2024)

Ranked #93 in Japan and #1652 in the world (June 15, 2023)

Prof. Kazuaki Ishihara’s 61st birthday celebration party at 26th April, 2024.

Prof. Kazuaki Ishihara has been recognized as one of outstanding reviewers 2023 for Chemical Science.


First published: 18 April 2024

Dr. Weiwei GUOが日本化学会第104春季年会(2024)学生講演賞を受賞(2024年4月16日)

[E1142-3pm-02] キラルπ–銅(Ⅱ)錯体触媒によるイソキノリニウムイリドとα,β-エナミド及びα,β,γ,δ-ジエナミドの位置、配向、化学、エキソ及びエナンチオ選択的脱芳香族[3+2]環化付加反応
(名大院工) 郭 威威 氏


「U字型キラルルイス酸触媒の基質包接効果によるマルチ選択的反応制御 ~有機反応をマルチ制御する人工酵素触媒開発への大きな一歩~」



▼Effect of the U-Shaped Cavity of Conformationally Flexible Lewis-Acidic Boron-Based Catalysts in Multiselective Diels–Alder Reactions

Tatsuhiro Sakamoto, Kohei Toh, Kai Matsui, Manabu Hatano,* and Kazuaki Ishihara*

Org. Lett. 2024, 26(17), 3607–3611.

DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.4c01060 (Publication Date:April 18, 2024)

▼Prof. K. Ishihara was received the SCS Lectureship Award 2024 from the Swiss Chemical Society. Decision: 2023.8.8.

Our ChemComm publication has been selected to feature in an online collection highlighting 60 pioneering historic papers from Japan and South Korea.






Postdoctoral and graduate students is being recruited.In our laboratory will be accepted at any time undergraduate, graduate student visits to laboratories.Those who wish, please contact us by e-mail to Professor Ishihara.



国立大学法人 東海国立大学機構


大学院工学研究科 有機・高分子化学専攻(工学部 化学生命工学科)


〒464-8603 名古屋市千種区不老町



Laboratory of Catalysis in Organic Synthesis, Research Group of Molecular Chemistry, Graduate Department of Molecular and Macromolecular Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering (Undergraduate Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, School of Engineering), Nagoya University

Tokai National Higher Education and Research System

B2-3(611), Furo-cho, Chikusa, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan