学年 D2 (G30)
所属学会 The Chemical Society of Japan
石原研 ISHIHARA G(HATANO G (~2019))
研究課題 Development of Lewis acid-assisted chiral Brønsted acid-catalyzed enantioselective carbonyl-ene cyclization
主担当 特殊装置係(2024年度)、光制御系(IR/React IR/旋光計/光反応装置)(2023年度)、重溶媒/エタノール/一般溶媒係(トルエン、クロロホルム、エンカメチレン、脱水溶媒ライン)(2022年度)、溶媒棚係(A, B, C, D棚)(2021年度)、特殊装置係(MW反応装置/耐圧反応容器/クーゲル)・試薬管理係温度制御係(低温恒温槽/–78℃冷蔵庫/融点測定機)(2020年度)
副担当 光制御系(IR/React IR/旋光計/光反応装置)(2024年度)、溶媒棚係(A, B, C, D棚)(2023, 2022年度)、特殊装置係(MW反応装置/耐圧反応容器/クーゲル)・試薬管理係温度制御係(低温恒温槽/–78℃冷蔵庫/融点測定機)(2021年度)
Motto Ad astra per aspera (“Our aspirations take us to the stars / To the stars through hardships.”)
Education & Work Experience
Sep., 2015–2019.07: Zhengzhou University, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering (China)
Bachelor thesis "Palladium catalyzed asymmetric annulation of allenes with 2-idobenzoic acid”
Oct., 2019–Sep. 2021 : Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Material Chemistry (Professor Kazuaki Ishihara, Associate Professor Manabu Hatano)
Oct., 2021– : Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Material Chemistry, Doctor Course (G30) (Professor Kazuaki Ishihara)
1. Jan., 2020–Sep., 2021: pre-Research assistant (pre-RA) of Graduate Program of Transformative Chem-Bio Research (GTR), Nagoya University
2. Oct., 2021–July, 2024: the THERS Interdisciplinary Frontier Next Generation Researcher (東海国立大学機構融合フロンティア次世代リサーチャー)
3. April 1, 2022–March 31, 2025: DC1, JSPS
1. "Synthesis, structure, magnetic properties of a 2D (3,4,5)-connected framework based on the
tetranuclear Cu4 units"
Duan, Y.; Huang, J.; Liu, S.; Yu, T.; Li, J.*; Hao, Y.; Liu, Z.*; Liu, B.*
Inorg. Chem. Comm. 2017, 81, 47–50.
2. "Fluoride-free and low concentration template synthesis of hierarchical Sn-Beta zeolites: efficient
catalysts for conversion of glucose to alkyl lactate "
Yang, X.; Bian, J.; Huang, J.; Xin, W.; Lu, T.; Chen C.; Su, Y.; Zhou, L.*
Green Chem. 2017,19, 692–701.
3. "2,3-Allenoic acids via palladium-catalyzed carboxylation of propargylic alcohols"
Zheng, W.; Zhang, W.; Huang, J.; Yu, Y.; Qian, H.*; Ma, S.*
Org. Chem. Front. 2018, 5, 1900–1904.
4. "Enantio- and diastereoselective carbonyl-ene cyclization–acetalization tandem reaction
catalyzed by tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane-assisted chiral phosphoric acids"
Weiwei Guo, Jianhao Huang, Kazuaki Ishihara*
Chem. Sci. 2024, accepted.
Oral Presentation
1. Boron Lewis Acid-Assisted Chiral Phosphoric Acid Catalysts for Enantioselective Carbonyl-Ene
Jianhao Huang, Takuya Mochizuki, Manabu Hatano, Kazuaki Ishihara
2. Enantio- and Diastereoselective Carbonyl-Ene Cyclization–Acetalization Tandem Reaction Catalyzed by
Boron Lewis Acid assisted Chiral Phosphoric Acids
Jianhao Huang, Takuya Mochizuki, Manabu Hatano, Kazuaki Ishihara
3. Phosphone-catalyzed Asymmetric Cyclization
Jianhao Huang
Ishihara Lab. M2 Seminar, 30th Aug., 2021
4. Enantioselective Carbonyl-Ene Cascade Cyclization Reaction Catalyzed by Boron Lewis Acid-
assisted Chiral Brønsted Acid
Jianhao Huang, Kazuaki Ishihara
The 104th CSJ Annual Meeting (2024), E1143-1vn-06, 2024.3.18~21[A-lecture]
Funabashi Campus, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, Chiba, Japan
Poster Presentation
1. P4-034 Boron Lewis Acid-Assisted Chiral Phosphoric Acid Catalysts for Enantioselective
Carbonyl-Ene Cyclization/Acetalization
○Jianhao Huang,1 Takuya Mochizuki,1 Manabu Hatano,2 Kazuaki Ishihara1
(Nagoya Univ.;1 Kobe Pharmaceutical Univ.2)
2. Boron Lewis acid-assisted chiral phosphoric acid catalysts for enantioselective carbonyl-ene
cyclizaion–acetalization tandem reaction
3. Boron Lewis acid-assisted chiral phosphoric acid catalysts for enantioselective carbonyl-ene
cyclizaion–acetalization tandem reaction